Thursday, April 2, 2009

black widdows

so today my little peanut (zoe) was messing with our mat outside and i was trying to get her to stop so chris took her in the bathroom to wash her hands and was asking her why she was playing with the mat outside and we were telling her that stray cats pee on it and bugs crawl on it and so she was telling chris that the black weirdo's are creepy huh and chris was like what did you just say zoe where did you hear that and she was just all those black weirdo's are creepy huh and he was all you mean black widdows and she said yes but we were like zoe don't say that out in public cause that's all we need is someone thinking we were racist. for crying out loud the things that come out of kids mouths it is funny and emmbarassing!!!! but you gotta love there innocence!!! i can't wait see how dean is going to pronounce things !!! it is going to be funny !!!


  1. haha, I love it! That's funny. The things that come out of her mouth!!

  2. I can't believe how big Zoe is. I saw a pic on Kirsten's blog. So cute!
